White Oak Mtn. Rd. & Hwy. 27
35.62210°, 92.87638°
(aka FR 1301, CR 52 & Grapevine Road) |

Parking Area (FR 93720C)
(4.9 miles from Hwy. 27)
35.59275°, 92.83485° |

Parking Area behind
Lost Corner CCC Camp
Entrance Sigh |

Lost Corner CCC Camp
Entrance Sign at corner of
White Oak Mtn. Rd. & FR 93720C |

Road to several building sites just passed
Parking Area 35.59286°, 92.83493° |

"A" 30' x 30' Foundation w/Chimney

"A" 30' x 30' Foundation w/Chimney |

"A" 30' x 30' Foundation w/Chimney
35.59303°, 92.83420° |

Rock Pillar next to "A" |

"B" 30' x 45' Conc Slab
35.59311°, 92.83392°
(Cellar in background) |

"B" Cellar |

"B" Looking inside cellar |

Sign next to "B" Cellar |

"C" Rock Footings
35.59305°, 92.83477° |
"D" 35.59341°,
(Middle of long building footings)
"E" 35.59382°, 92.83292°
Small building footings) |

"F" Rock Chimney w/18'x21' Foundation
35.59382°, 92.83290° |

"F" Rock Chimney and Foundation |

"F" Rock Chimney (No Opening?) |
"G" Rock Fireplace
35.59395°, 92.83390° |
"G" Names written on concrete on FP
(Earl Brown, John Humphrey, Arther Buck,
Ray Buehner, April 1935) (E.G.B., A.M.B.,
J.O.H., ?) |

"G" Fireplace Box |

"G" Above Fireplace Box |

One of several Rock Bridges across
(Between "D" and "F") |

Rock Stairs |

Conc. Block |

Hay bale "growing" |

"H" 20'x25' Rock Foundation
35.59301°, 92.83535° |
Topo Map of Area |

Lots of these, so watch where you
walk! |
1936 Pope County Map |
The following pictures are from:
Arkansas Civilian Conservation Corps
Pictorial Review 1933-1934 Parke-Harper
Company, Little Rock, AR

Camp Lost Corner was occupied by three
different Companies of CCC enrollees. The first was Companyu 764
which spent its first 6 months enrollment period
in North Dakato from May 1933 to October 1933.
It only remained at Camp Lost Corner for one 6 month enrollment period.
The second group was Company 1758
from May 1934 to April 1937, and the
last was Company 745 from May 1937. Their end date is uncertian
but it was definitely by the summer of 1941.
(Copied from CCC in Pope County Arkansas
papers by Michael A. Pfeiffer, 2015)

Click on the above picture and read a
story of the Lost Corner Camp. |